01604 553442


Mon – Fri 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

It can be a very lonely running a business, as a sole trader and even when surrounded by colleagues.  Needing that pep talk when things seem strained can be all that’s needed to get you back up and bursting with inspiraiton and enthusiasm to reach that next goal.   These days it can be bewildering knowing where to get business advice, although lots of online providers are touting their wares.   There is a new ambitious set up available on subscription via our biggest national broadcasting corporation.  They have obtained the mentoring services of many very well known and respected personalities.   There is a whole raft of business advice courses and sets of guidance from folk who have trod the boards and come out as successful business leaders – so much so they are healded as experts and decorated for their efforts.  They are kind, sharing folk who want to get their knowledge out there to attract the next generation of business owners to do their very best to succeed.  Offering advice on how to formulate a personal toolkit for business success.  This is based on her own much experience of running business that have become true beacons of success and show how to do it and stasy at the top of your game.